A terrified husband has locked his wife in their bathroom after suspecting her of developing coronavirus because she met with her Chinese friend.
The bizarre incident occurred in Lithuania where the woman in question called the police for help after her husband had locked her inside the bathroom.
According to the reports, the husband became worried about contracting the deadly virus after his wife met with her Chinese friend who came to the country from Italy.
After the police rushed to the couple’s home, the husband defended his actions saying her was “consulting on the phone with doctors” before coming up with the solution to lock up his wife.
Upon freeing the woman from forced quarantine, the police left the scene whereas the man wasn’t arrested and the woman didn’t press charges.
Just in case, the wife was also tested for coronavirus and the results came back negative.
Meanwhile, numerous videos and pictures of Iranians licking shrines in order to prove to the world that the coronavirus outbreak doesn’t scare them have begun circulating the internet.
As one journalist who shared disturbing content on social media explained, she urged the government to temporarily shut down religious sites in order to protect the people from the virus.
“While the city of Qom is the epicenter of #CoronaVirus in Iran, authorities refuse to close down religious shrines there,” Masih Alinejad wrote online.point 420 |
“These pro-regime people are licking the shrines & encouraging people to visit them.point 78 | Iran’s authorities are endangering lives of Iranians & the world.point 144 | ”point 147 | 1
According to the reports, one anonymous culprit from Mashhad even got arrested after licking a popular shrine in front of stunned passersby. “What the detainee did was anomalous, and investigation into his case is underway,” the judiciary said after the incident.
As Alinejad went on to claim in one of her tweets, some Iranians are going as far as forcing their young kids to lick the shrines in an attempt to make their families look brave.
“Not only is this child abuse, but it’s also helping the virus spread Iran and to other countries. Iran’s authorities still adamantly refuse to close these religious sites. The virus is wreaking havoc all over the country,” the journalist wrote.
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