Categories: Familylife

Husband Plants 6,000 Trees To Honor Dead Wife – 17 Years Later, His Secret Is Discovered In The Forest

It is difficult to live a life without your other half, the person to whom you promised that you would protect them no matter what and then you lose them all of a sudden.


It is the most traumatic experience a person can experience.

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Janet and Winston were happily married to each other, they had a loving son together, and a humble abode to live in. Life was going on smoothly, but life is not meant to be like this forever. Janet was 50-years-old when she passed away due to heart failure. Winston was broken and did not know how he would keep going on without his wife.

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Together with his son, they tried to move on, but they did not know how to do that.point 178 | It was a few months after her death when he was stuck with an idea.point 231 |


He thought that if he could do anything special so that his wife’s memories would never die, he might find a way to live.point 100 | He decided to do something special for Janet so that he and his son could find solace there.point 175 | Something, which would last forever and something that would be breathtaking.point 242 | 1

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On one fine day, Pilot Andy Collett happened to look downwards while he was in a hot air balloon. He saw a shape of a heart in a field; it was Winston’s tribute to his wife.


He and Janet would, at times, would love to go for a walk in a meadow near their house. Winston and his son decided to make a shape of a heart in that meadow. The heart could be seen only from the air and though, they never themselves saw that heart, it still meant a lot to them.

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The pilot who saw the heart said that he is a regular flyer and this was the most amazing sight that he has seen since he started flying. “It was subtly hidden from the view, a regular person would never even know it is there,” added the Pilot.


Winston made it in such a way so that his wife could see it from the sky and he hoped that she would be happy with it.

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