Categories: Familylife

Husband And Wife Became A Throuple After They Fell In Love With The Same Woman

A husband and wife have become a throuple (a couple with three people in it) after falling in love with the same woman and convincing her to join their family.


32-year-old CrossFit gym owner Mary Barillas met former Marine Leo Barillas in high school when she was just a teen.

@pnwtriad16 – Mary (left), Leo (middle), Kim (right)

Years later, the two started dating and moved together to start their own business. They also got married and started their own family by giving life to two children.


5 years after the two tied the knot and opened their own gym, Mary and Leo came across Kimberlee Slagle, an estimator whom they quickly befriended.


Soon enough, their friendship turned into a romance and the three became a throuple, whereas Kimberlee moved in with Mary and Leo along with her two kids from a previous relationship.


Now, the big and happy family shares their adventures on Instagram under the alias @pnwtriad16.

“We have not always been a triad. Kim was a friend and Mary and I are married. Kim was a member at a CrossFit gym we owned. The friendship we all had turned into attraction,” Leo explained.


“A romantic relationship started in 2016. Sometime that year we fell in love, probably at different times, for different reasons. We decided the three of us just vibed really well.


“Polyamory means being open and honest with who we are. We love more than one person and embrace that even though it is beyond the social norm.

“Honestly, it is not very different from a traditional two-person relationship, we have a special relationship with each of our partners that we love and cherish and together we have a throuple.”


As the former Marine added, their friends and family members have accepted their relationship after seeing the love they share for each other.


“The family members that know of our relationship have been really accepting. It is not just family though, all of our friends are also very accepting,” Leo added.

“We have been very fortunate to have friends and family who love us for who we are and they pay no regard to how we choose to live our lives, as long as we live a happy one.


“We haven’t encountered any negative reactions to our face about our lifestyle. We have had some people completely shocked and they typically have a ton of questions. Curiosity is normal and completely expected.


“It’s OK to follow your heart and be with who makes you happy even if it is considered unconventional. Live the kind of life you want to live and live it with the people you love. You only get one life; you should live your best life.”

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