Categories: Entertainmentlife

This Hypnotist Needed Only One Session To Turn An Insecure Woman Into A Successful Professional Artist

Caters News

Salome Heydenrych, 37, like most of us, was thinking of a new career.


And again, like most of us, she felt too insecure to make the leap into the career she always dreamed about, which is becoming a professional artist.

However, one fateful session with hypnotist Robert Hisee changed Salome’s life forever and she came out of the meeting fully confident and ready to take on her new career. Now, her beautiful works sell for up to $2300 a pop.


Watch her life changing story in the video below.

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Video credit: Rumble

The mom from Hammersmith, London, said: “I always dreamed about becoming a professional artist but didn’t have the confidence to pursue my dream.”


“Prior to meeting with Robert, I was so anxious and didn’t really have much confidence to do what I really wanted to do.

Caters News

“I said I wanted to branch off and do my own thing – but I didn’t know what.


“Robert then asked me what I’d really like to do, and I mentioned how I enjoy art so he told me to visualize myself painting and being an artist.

“After just three hours with him, I felt like a completely different person and walked out ready to take on my new passion head-on.


“I was so overwhelmed with happiness – whatever Robert did completely woke up my love of painting.”

Although she’s originally from Cape Town, South Africa, Salome has been in London for the past 15 years. Just four months after meeting with Robert, Salome held her first art exhibition.

Caters News

She added: “My anxiety had become really bad and became to manifest into physical symptoms on top of the mental ones.


“I really wanted to do something for myself and start my own business, but I just didn’t have the passion, drive or confidence to do so.

“Robert helped me divert my attention from my anxiety to my art and it just went from there.”

Robert added: “When Salome came to my practice, she told me that she had been suffering from anxiety and feeling down and not knowing how to move forward.


“As the session unfolded I learned that she was an artist and she said the only thing that makes her feel good was her artwork but she didn’t do it anymore because she was insecure that other people were laughing at her work and that it wasn’t good enough.


“I used hypnotic techniques and unconscious mind therapy to teach Salome how to create her future inside of her mind.

“I told her everything gets made twice – first in the imagination then created outside here in reality.”




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