Categories: Animals/Petslife

Hysterical Evidence! Cute Pup Demonstrates Stereotypes of Black Cats and Dogs Untrue

Many superstitious people out there criticize the cats and dogs that are black in color.


If you have ever been an owner of a dog or a cat with a black coat of fur, you would definitely understand what it is like.

Unfortunately, people overlook these gorgeous ebony creatures because of their black furs. The fact is that the more colorful an animal is, the more dangerous it could be. I wonder why do they not judge them then!


The saddest thing about it is humans have brought their race system to even the dogs and cats out there. The black ones are usually the last ones to be adopted.


Some people say that they are not good enough for photographs, while others call them evil.

Even 8 years ago, the president of the Helen Woodward Animal Center in Rancho, Santa Fe, California, Mike Arms, said that when a movie portrays a devil dog, it is always black in color, and whenever a witch owns a cat, it is always black, too.


However, to break these superstitions, a video of a dog was uploaded on Facebook. Yes, you guessed it right! The puppy was black in color.


In summers, when we feel hot and sweaty, we wear cool colored clothes, instead of the dark ones. But what do these creatures do? They cannot remove their black coats and exchange them with the white ones, obviously!

In the video, to deal with the scorching heat, Teal, the cute black Labrador from Washington, splashes the water as it swims in a pool.


Yes, his amazing owners bought him a swimming pool of his own to beat the heat. Thankfully, the owner grabbed the camera while looking at it playing in the pool cheerfully.


The goofy is surely spending some quality time with himself in the summer sun!

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