Categories: lifenews

Ilhan Omar Slams Younger Lawmakers Like AOC For Getting Vaccine Before Frontline Workers And Elderly

Rep Ilhan Omar slammed her fellow lawmakers for getting Pfizer vaccine ahead of the elderly and frontline workers.


In a tweet on Sunday, Omar wrote: “It’s now clear that we don’t have enough vaccines for everybody and there is a shortage of supply, we have to prioritize those who need it most.

“That’s why it’s disturbing to see members be first to get vaccine while most frontline workers, elderly and infirm in our districts, wait.”

AP News

Omar also shared a CNN interview she did earlier in the month after early reports revealed White House staff would receive the jab before most Americans.


“Our frontline workers who’ve made the sacrifice to make the country run should be the priority, people who’ve been disproportionately impacted should be the priority,” she said at that time.

“The WH & their staff being prioritized is…unfortunate, disappointing, & disturbing.”


President Donald Trump wrote on Twitter that he believed White House staff should not receive the jab before others who are more vulnerable.


People in the government started getting the vaccine on Friday, with VP Mike Pence receiving the first jab alongside his wife Karen.

Both Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also received the jab.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez / Instagram

Ocasio-Cortez recently shared the moment she received the vaccine on her Instagram story. She told her followers that she found out she and other members of the Congress would get the jab because of the ‘continuity of governance’ plan.


But not all Republicans lined up to get the jab.


Sen Rand Paul, who tested positive for coronavirus in March, said: “I was asked about getting vaccinated with others in Congress: It is inappropriate for me – who has already gotten the virus/has immunity – to get in front of elderly/healthcare workers.”


“Same goes for AOC or any young healthy person. They should be among last, not first,” Sen Paul added.


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