Categories: lifenews

Imam Suspended After His Wife Turned Out To Be A Man With A ‘Sweet Soft Voice’

An Imam has been suspended after it was found that his wife was actually a man with a “sweet soft voice” who knew how to walk like a lady.


The incident occurred in Uganda where 27-year-old Sheikh Mohammed Mutumba was hit with the harsh truth after his ‘wife’ was busted by the police for stealing a TV from their neighbor.

Credit – Fred Muzaale

As the burglar admitted following his arrest, he had been pretending he was a woman in order to marry Mutumba and steal his belongings.


As further investigation into the matter took place, the 27-year-old Imam, who was understandably shocked by the turn of events, has been suspended.

Richard Tumushabe

According to Mutumba, his partner, Richard Tumushabe, was diligent in wearing a hijab and presenting himself as a woman. In addition, the man claimed he had a “sweet soft voice” and knew how to walk like a lady.


As the Imam added, his ‘wife’ refused to undress during the nights following two weeks after their marriage and told him they couldn’t have sex because she was menstruating.

Credit – Fred Muzaale

“He had a sweet soft voice and walked like a woman,” mosque member Amisi Kibunga told the local media.


In addition to Mutumba, his friends and family members were fooled by the impostor as well. As for the heartbroken 27-year-old, he is allegedly in need of counseling and is “too devastated” to speak about the incident.

Richard Tumushabe – Daily Monitor

According to Sheikh Isa Busuulwa, the head of the mosque Mutumba served, they were forced to suspend the young Imam in order to “preserve the integrity of their faith” even though they know he didn’t marry the man on purpose.


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