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Homeless Could Soon Be Paid Minimum Wage For Picking Up Litter In Little Rock

the city of little rock will provide income and employment for homeless people in the area.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Homeless Could Soon Be Paid Minimum Wage For Picking Up Litter In Little Rock

Watch the video about the new proposal.


Video credit: THV11

The city of Little Rock, Arkansas, and a nearby church are cooperating together to give pay and work to vagrants in the area.

The pilot program, “A Bridge to Work,” is set to start in April and will keep running for a half year, at which time church and city staff individuals will assess the program and choose whether or not to proceed.


Canvas Community Church has enlisted two program managers who will win $11 dollars an hour to get vagrants in a city-possessed van and transport them to different work locales in Little Rock.


Work will incorporate city beautification, such as grabbing waste, yard work and planting trees.

As indicated by the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, roughly 8-10 vagrants will be utilized three days seven days for four hours per day, winning $9.25 per day.


Members will have lunch together and will be paid toward the finish of every workday.

The City of Arkansas passed a statute which will give $80,000 from the open works spending plan to Canvas Community Church to work the program.

While the quantity of vagrants to be utilized is little, for the time being, church authorities trust the program will develop and extend, giving stable business and salary to help haul individuals out of vagrancy.


“The big idea is to give folks who are experiencing homelessness an opportunity to day labor,” associate pastor Paul Atkins told the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.


“The long-term thing is to develop the relationships and services that will help them meet whatever goals they have for themselves — long-term work, housing, education.”

Helping individuals out of vagrancy is a confused issue, and Canvas Community Church individuals trust that genuine connections assume a key job in moving individuals out of vagrancy and into projects that can manage individuals toward independence.


“The typical knee-jerk reaction is, ‘why don’t they just get a job?’” Atkins said.

“Well, there’s lots of reasons why — and that’s why we need to form these relationships in order to connect them to services that will help them overcome.”




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