Categories: life

Irish Passport Applications Have Doubled Since Brexit Referendum

It has been observed in the last three years that the number of Irish Passport Applications have thoroughly increased.


It might be possible the British Citizens ascent towards saying so as to continue being a part of the European Union.

Some news reports have also said that the applications have scaled heights and has increased its number to more than 1, 00, 000 in 2019. It was only 40,000 in 2015. 


There was also a public vote held in 2016 where the question was whether the UK should stay or leave the European Union.


You will be surprised to know that over 30 million people have opted for the European Union.

And, guess what? The rest of the 17.5 million people have opted for Brexit. Due to this, the application for the Irish Passport got increased by 17,000. 


After the referendum, there have been changes and uncertainty noticed at the deal in place for the UK. It has also be intensified in the Prime Minister accompanied by two general elections. 


We have also seen the movement of some residents of the UK. They might be on a search to exploit the Irish Family links.

They can exploit it by only having citizenship and a newly made passport. 


People also believe the fact that they will be able to travel more easily after having an Irish Passport in their hands.


It is because of the obvious reason that the Irish is continuing to be a part of the European Union. 


The government has claimed that 2020 is going to be an explicit year for the country. They are planning to get done with Brexit in 2020.


The government is also looking forward to investing some amount in the infrastructure of the nation. We just hope they also boost up the funding of NHS and increase access to new opportunities as promised this year. 

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