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Is Netflix Going To End Soon? Disney Has Cheaper Streaming Plans And Guarantees Quality Content

It is believed that Netflix will soon encounter problems as soon as its competitor Disney plus will launch in November.


This is what the personal investor Stephen McBride has to say over this issue, who is also a chief analyst at RiskHedge.

His work is to publish articles on stuff that will disrupt the current market, and according to him, Disney will soon come up with cheaper streaming plans.


They are looking to guarantee quality content at lower prices, and this can affect Netflix by huge numbers.


He further wrote that Netflix is not the future of TV even though people consider it as the king of online streaming services.


It has also believed to disrupt the market for local cable TV operators and invested millions of dollars in developing original content.

Even after all this, Netflix is sinking under billions of dollars of debts and owes an approximate of $10.4 billion to its creditors. This is 59% more than what they lent last year.


With Disney emerging as a streaming service, it will be almost impossible for Netflix to survive in the market and compete.


In the last six years, Disney has successfully produced the world’s top-selling movies and four of the five films that earned the highest in the year 2018 were under the Disney banner.

After launching their own service if they pull all its accessible content from Netflix and put it under their private service, Netflix could be hurt badly.


McBride also wrote that while Netflix is trying to come up with new shows and content, Disney already has some of the best ones in their hand.


He is under the impression that people might leave Netflix for Disney. But again, a lot of people out there are subscribed to multiple services which allow Netflix to pull itself from this situation.


According to one of Netflix’s spokesperson, they are not worried about the launch of Disney+ or any competitor for that matter.


To prove their fact, they provided the company’s past letters sent to the investors stating that they are not worried about its competitors. Their focus is not on Disney+ or Amazon or others, but to improve their user experience.

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