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These Italian Girls Photobombed Anti-LGBT Leader With A Same-Sex Kiss

The boldest and viral selfie shows the two students kissing as Matteo Salvini stands next to them at a rally in Caltanissetta, Sicily.


“We queued with his supporters and when it was our turn, we kissed while I was taking the photos,” Parisi told BuzzFeed News via Instagram DM.


“An officer immediately separated us, as you can see in the second photo. Salvini’s reaction was giving a pat on Matilde’s head and saying, ‘Auguri e figli maschi.’ That’s an Italian saying that could be translated with ‘I wish you all the best and male sons.'”


“We ironically said ‘thank you!’ and we went away.”

The political figure, who had been attending a rally for a member of the League Party’s bid for mayor, faced outrage last month after attending a World Congress of  Familes conference in Verona.


According to the organization’s website, the US-founded conference support to ‘defending the natural family as the only fundamental and sustainable unit of society’ and speak against same-sex relationships and abortions.


The photo, which has now the topic of international conversation, shows Mr. Salvini smile as the young women next to his kiss.

The viral picture was clicked by one of the pictured women, called Gaia, who posted the image on her Instagram on Thursday to share the bold and powerful message.  


Speaking to Euronews Gaia said: ‘When the minister urged those present to take the stage and take a selfie with him, we had this idea because he participated in the World Congress of Families.

‘We made a provocative, instinctive gesture, not at all premeditated.


‘On stage, Salvini did not expect us to take a picture like this. ‘When we kissed an agent, I think, separated us sharply and Salvini then told us “I wish you luck” so we took off thanking him ironically.’


Italian activist Marco Furfaro shows his support by sharing the picture for the two by posting on his Facebook page.


A message next to the photo read: ‘Caltanissetta protesters. Love beats hate 3-0. Trolling Salvini to the extreme. You rock Gaia and Matilde.’

A statement on the World Congress of Families website read: ‘Since the family is the original social institution that lays the foundation of a good society, with the support of the Italian Deputy Prime Minister, Matteo Salvini, the Minister for Family and Disability, Lorenzo Fontana, the Governor of the Veneto Region, Luca Zaia and the Mayor of Verona, Federico Sboarina the city of Verona is proud to host, after Budapest and Chisinau, the World Congress of Families, XIII.point 533 |


point 7 | 1

Earlier this month the Deputy Prime Minister was slammed for not attending Italy’s Liberation day that commemorates the country’s fight against fascism.


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