Categories: life

Jack Ma, The Founder of Alibaba, Wants His Employees to Keep Working for 72 Hours Every Week

The founder of the e-commerce giant is demanding his employees to work at 12 hours a day.


Jack Ma is a well-known entrepreneur, and he is also the richest man of China.


Jack Ma in one of his recent statements said that his worker(s) for working long hours is something that he will be forever grateful for to all his dedicated employees.


However, he has requested his employees to keep following the “996” concept of working. What 996 means here is that his employees come to work at 9 am in the morning and leaves the office premises by 9 pm in the night.

The six here stands for six working days. This is how the 72 hour benchmark is reached.


The billionaire also added that he feels blessed that all of his employees are ready to work for him that long. Mr. Jack Ma has reportedly said all this in the context of the lack of perceived work-life balance.



He actually defended working overtime and said that people who are young will only be able to work for this long during till the point they are young and healthy, and that is how they can climb up a ladder of success.


According to Jack Ma, putting in long hours is what it will take for people to achieve all the success that people desire. The former English teacher also said that every human being wants respect, success, and a nice life.


The Chinese business mogul once used to be an English Teacher, but later on, he went on to form the third largest e-commerce firm in the world.


At the moment Jeff Bezos’ Amazon is the world’s largest e-commerce firm, and Jingdong is the second highest is the biggest rival of Jack Ma’s Alibaba.

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