Categories: Animals/PetsDaily top 10life

A Jealous Dog Throws Tantrums When He Isn’t Given Enough Attention


If you’re a pet lover then having a pet is an uplifting experience.


Petting or even just looking at your pet is enough to make your day that much brighter. And with so many stress factors surrounding us every day, any little thing that perks you up (that is not a drug) is something you should strive to have in your life.

And what’s better than having one pet? Several, of course!


Watch this dog throw a tantrum when the owners gave more attention to another dog.

[rumble video_id=v5oetv domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

At least, that’s the common route that some families take.point 179 | Not only does having several pets multiply the fun factor in your house, but it also gives your pet playmates other than their human owners.point 295 |


This is important especially if the owners are working and don’t leave anyone in the house.point 82 | Having a playmate will make sure the pet isn’t bored and won’t be tempted to go wild on the furniture (well, that’s the theory; your pets are just as likely to gang up and go wild together!).point 255 | 1


But one thing about pets is that they’re living beings with emotions, too. In fact, a lot of times taking care of a pet is like having a toddler in the house. A very furry toddler. Who can run and make all that noise.


And because of that emotional neediness that most pets have, if you have other pets in the house it’s easy for them to get jealous of any attention thrown to other pets, just as an older sibling might get jealous when mommy and daddy bring home the newborn younger sibling.


In this video, a dog was making it known in no uncertain terms that he wasn’t liking all the attention his owner was lavishing on another dog. What probably got the jealous dog’s goat was that he was just sitting there while the owner was getting all huggy on what looks to be a Labrador.


The owner understandably found this funny because the jealous dog was making all these strange whimpering/crying sounds especially when any form of affection was being shown to the other guy. It’s like he was saying, “This is unacceptable!”


It’s certainly a funny reaction but also brings to light an important aspect of owning pets.point 83 | One should take note that jealousy might creep up among the pets so it’s important to try to give equal treatment and affection or at least not be too obvious who your favorite is.point 236 |


And never deliberately taunt your pets! Animals can get sad and depressed too and the last thing you need is to have that heavy feeling in your home when the whole point of getting a pet in the first place is to liven things up!point 184 | 1

