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Jeremy Clarkson Blames Greta Thunberg For Ruining Car Shows

59-year-old Jeremy Clarkson has blamed Greta Thunberg for ‘killing the car show,’ saying that it is completely her fault young people don’t like cars anymore.


The former Top Gear presenter also said that the teen activist’s fight on climate change affected the way young people see cars that consume fossil fuels.


Mr. Clarkson called Thunberg an ‘idiot’ for ‘saying we’re all going to die,’ adding that making scary claims would not help her cause in any way.

In an interview with The Sun, Mr. Clarkson said: “Everyone I know under 25 isn’t the slightest bit interested in cars – Greta Thunberg has killed the car show.


“They’re taught at school, before they say “Mummy and Daddy”, that cars are evil, and it’s in their heads.”


Traditional car shows see people gather to show off their expensive ‘classic’ vehicles. But older cars are not eco-friendly, and the same goes for SUVS and huge 4×4 cars which can also be viewed at car shows.

Major car companies have been creating more eco-friendly cars, including Porsche and Jaguar, to help protect the environment.


But Mr. Clarkson insisted that it is Greta’ s fault younger people are no longer interested in car shows and motor vehicles.

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Even so, he said that he accepted climate change and global warming are ‘definitely a thing.’


The Grand Tour Presents: Seamen episode will see Mr. Clarkson make a 500-mile trip to Vietnam from Cambodia, with James May and Richard Hammond.

“It’s the first time that we’ve ever admitted to there being global warming,” Mr. Clarkson wrote on The Sunday Times.


One internet user commented: “She doesn’t affect me in the slightest as I have been commuting by train and bus for over 40+ years. I just think that she has a good press agent and hasn’t led by example for as long as I have. But then I don’t expect any publicity.”


Another wrote: “Cars of today are boring. They are too expensive and the days of the backyard mechanic are gone. Emissions laws have taken the fun out of hot rodding.”


A third added: “This is probably true but at the same time if these youngsters are so put off and they don’t want a car for themselves then that is all to the good and makes more room for the existing cars already on the road.”


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