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Prominent Jewish Groups Slam Socialist Rep Ocasio-Cortez Over Her Holocaust Remarks

Socialist Rep.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently made a comparison of the Holocaust and concentration camps to US immigration policy.

The Zionist Organization of America – the oldest and largest pro-Israel group, and the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York, which represents more than 60 Jewish organizations, condemned Ocasio-Cortez over her remarks.


The Jewish Community Relations Council of New York stated in a letter:

“Dear Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,


“We are deeply disturbed by the language used in your recent Instagram live video which seeks to equate the detention centers on America’s southern border with Nazi-era Concentration Camps.


“The terms “Concentration Camp” and “Never Again” are synonymous with and evocative of the atrocities committed by Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany, in which 6 million European Jews were systematically denied civil and human rights due to their race and ultimately murdered in a state-sponsored genocide.point 267 |


As concerned as we are about the conditions experienced by migrants seeking asylum in the United States, including family separation, unusable facilities, and lack of food, water, and medical resources, the regrettable use of Holocaust terminology to describe these contemporary concerns diminishes the evil intent of the Nazis to eradicate the Jewish people.point 307 | 1


“Since 1976, the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York has acted as a key resource to the New York Congressional Delegation on issues of concern to the 1.point 137 | 4 million member New York Jewish community.point 174 | As our city is home to the largest Holocaust survivor community in the United States, we would be pleased to work with you to arrange a visit to a concentration camp, a local Holocaust museum, hear the stories of local survivors, or participate in other educational opportunities in the hopes of better understanding the horrors of the Holocaust.point 463 | 1


“Until that time, we urge you to refrain from using terminology evocative of the Holocaust to voice concerns about contemporary political issues.”


ZOA National President Morton Klein said in a statement:

“AOC’s ludicrous statements that the U.point 86 | S.point 88 | has a “Fascist” “presidency that creates concentration camps” to hold immigrant communities, and AOC’s invocation of the Holocaust-associated slogan “never again” with respect to the housing of immigrant minors – are abhorrent insults to the memory of the 6 million Jews and the millions of gays, gypsies, and others who were intentionally slaughtered, worked to death, starved, gassed and tortured in the real Nazi-Fascist concentration camps.point 483 | 1


“The real story is that the U.S. government ran out of space and has to temporarily house minor teenagers who crossed illegally into the U.S. at an army base – something that former president Obama also did. Comparing this to the horrors of the Holocaust death camps is a sin. AOC must be censured by her colleagues for this mindless and moronic analogy. She doesn’t belong in Congress making decisions on behalf of her fellow American citizens.”


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