Categories: Entertainmentlife

Joaquin Phoenix Lost 52 Pounds to Play Joker

Actors often go into a majorly astounding transformation for their role.


This shows their passion and commitment to art.

In a recent report, Joaquin Phoenix, who played the Joker in the Joker, lost around 52 pounds to fit into his character.


In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Todd Phillips, the director of the movie, spoke about the production of the film and how it took people time to get on board with his whole idea.


Todd said that it was a one year process from where the team completed the script and managed to get people on board with the vision. He said he pitched an entirely different team to make this particular film.


In the interview, Phillips also claimed that during this one year, Phoenix lost around 52 pounds in order to play the role of Batman Villian.


He continues saying that he wanted everything as real and authentic as possible.


In a real world, when someone falls into a vat of acid, he or she would turn white, would turn green, and have a huge smile.


Todd said when he started backwards-engineering these points, things really started to become interesting. It was one of the best scripts he had written because it allows him to break so many rules.


In the same interview, Phoenix said that it is the only thing that makes everything worthwhile. Everything else is paint-by-numbers and connect-the-dots that nobody really cares about.


He further stated that there are certain aspects of the character that still doesn’t make sense to him, and he is completely fine with that.


There is something fun about not having the answers to a lot of questions because the audience tends to be more involved in the whole character, which feels very different.


The film centres around the failed comedian, Arthur Fleck, whose life turns into a psychotic crime after being rejected by family, transforming him into the Joker.

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