US President Joe Biden made a major verbal blunder while speaking at the G-7 summit in the United Kingdom recently.
Local media outlets confirmed how the President fumbled during an important press conference that took place at the G-7 summit on Sunday. Moreover, Biden mixed up the terms Libya and Syria at least three times, raising eyebrows by plenty of critics.
The fact that the mistake was done thrice and not just once had many people questioning the President. At that point in time, Biden was speaking humanitarian aid towards the nations being torn apart by the latest ongoing civil war.
The President was shedding light upon the possible working relations it had with Russia while providing ‘important assistance’ to the Libyan nation, which is strongly seen as a country that is facing great challenges as we speak.
Biden continued by mentioning how the Russian nation appeared to bite off way more than it could possibly chew by intervening with the ‘Syrian’ population, but then he suddenly added the term ‘Libya’ into his conversation.
Top aides close to the President did confirm how the President had made the fumble thrice as he intended on mentioning just Syria but got mixed up with Libya.
The US President also added how Russia couldn’t do something like that to a country that was already being torn apart. “There needs to be some stability or order to the region, and that can only be possible by giving them their basic economic needs,” he added.
“I am very hopeful that we will be able to search for accommodation where we end up saving the lives of all those people in, for instance, Libya,” he concluded.
The President’s top aides brushed off the President’s mistake claiming he actually meant to state Syria, whenever he mentioned Libya. However, that justification was not good enough as Biden was hounded all over social media for making a major blunder in an event like the G-7 summit.