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Ruthless Jogger Who Threw Out Homeless Man’s Belongings Into A Lake Is Arrested And Charged With Robbery

pic copy 2 6.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Ruthless Jogger Who Threw Out Homeless Man's Belongings Into A Lake Is Arrested And Charged With Robbery

A cold-blooded jogger who was filmed assaulting a homeless man’s camp and throwing his belongings into a nearby lake has been arrested and charged with robbery on Monday.


In the footage that was recorded on Friday in Oakland, California, Henry William Sintay can be seen destroying the camp set up by homeless man Greg Markson, nicknamed Drew, next to Lake Merritt.

The 30-year-old was recorded rummaging through Drew’s belongings before throwing them into a trash can and the lake despite outraged bystanders pleading for him to stop.


Watch Sintay trashing the homeless man’s belongings in the video below.

Video Credit: JJ Harris/@techboogie

Footage of the incident went viral as soon as it was shared online, with Sintay quickly being dubbed #JoggerJoe on the internet.


‘It’s disgusting, it smells like p**s, it’s nasty,’ Sintay was filmed saying as he threw the homeless man’s belongings around.

‘I’m picking up the trash,’ shirtless Sintay added when bystanders told him to stop.


After kicking the belongings and spreading them around, the footage then shows him dumping some of the possessions into a nearby trashcan.


‘What you’re doing right now doesn’t make sense,’ the man who filmed the video told Sintay. ‘You’re spreading it everywhere, just stop!’

‘Stop taking his stuff!’

Sintay later claimed it was an accident that Drew’s belongings were found in the lake after he was seen tossing them in.


The man was again filmed the next day as he returned to the lake for retrieving some of the items from it.

A witness who filmed the man for the second time claimed Sintay attacked him and stole his phone after realizing he was being filmed.


Following the incident, Sintay was arrested and charged with first-degree robbery on Monday. He was being held at the Santa Rita Jail on $100,000 bail.


Before Sintay was arrested for robbery, police said they weren’t able to do much since Drew’s belongings were ‘considered debris.’

They further added that the only consequence he might face would be a fine for littering.


It is being believed that he was arrested due to the alleged theft of the phone the day after he was filmed tossing Drew’s belongings.

Ever since the footage went viral on the internet, the homeless man has been receiving tremendous support from people across the country. Many strangers gave him food and clothing along with the offers to clean his possessions at a nearby laundromat.


GoFundMe page has also been set up for replacing the items that were tossed into the lake by Sintay. So far, $12,840 have been raised for the homeless man.


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