Categories: Entertainmentlife

More Police Deployed In Several Cities After the Release of the Film Joker

Back in 2012, a mass shooting inspired by Joker took place in a theater in Colorado where more than 70 people were injured and 12 people were found dead.


The theater back then had no serious security as there was no indication of a mass shooting happening inside a theater.


After 7 years, Joker is coming back as Warner Bros.’ standalone DC film Joker is all set to hit the theaters this week.


The movie is coming out this week and prior to the release of the movie, threats of the mass shooting have already come out as several communities are on the edge of their fear and say that there is a chance of another mass shooting happening again.


Because of the same, law enforcement officers have been deployed in New York and LA and in several other places even the army is being deployed to ensure the safety of the public.


The families of the people who died in the mass shooting of Colorado in 2012 have sent a letter to the CEO of Warner Bros stating that they are not an organization that runs on feeding the politicians or on giving birth to the idea of keeping guns in ordinary hands.


The letter asks the CEO that Warner Bros is an organization that is not only about money making but also about ensuring the safety of people and if it is true then are they even working on the same?


The army says that although the family members of the victims of 2012 mass shooting are terrified of another mass shooting, there are no credible threats they have found regarding the release and believe that no such tragedy will happen this time.


Even though they are sure nothing will happen, the government is still ensuring the right safety for the people by deploying security officers and army in several cities.

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