Jon Bon Jovi needs no introduction and known as the most powerful rocket in the music industry.
He is also acted in famous TV shows like Ally McBeal. He’s also been chosen as one of the most attractive artists many times and people know him as a political activist also.
But, people don’t know much about his charity work, even though he has done a lot on this matter among many celebrities. He owns 2 restaurants where people can eat food without paying.

We want to share this hidden quality of the star, this project has already served over 104,800 meals.
The nonprofit organization managed by the JBJ Foundation is known as Soul Kitchen. It is an institution led by the artist, and which holds his initials.
Soul Kitchen doesn’t ask for money and gives you free meals to enjoy. Those who want to pay the bill can make a $20 donation. Homeless people are welcomed into the restaurant to eat and volunteer later in the kitchen.
According to the restaurant’s website, 51% of the meals they’ve served were paid for by donations. The remaining 49% were covered by the voluntary work of people without financial resources. That’s why one of the restaurant’s mottos is: “All are welcome at our table.”
The first restaurant was launched in October 2011, in the Red Bank area of New Jersey, where Bon Jovi was born. He started his second restaurant in 2016, near Toms River, an area profoundly affected by Hurricane Sandy, which shook the country in 2012.
“Our mission has always been to affect positive change and address the issues of hunger and homelessness,” explained the author of hits like You Give Love a Bad Name and Livin ’on a Prayer when opening his second restaurant.point 302 |
“There are no prices on our menu.point 29 | So if you are in need, you participate.point 61 | And that means bussing the table, washing a dish, working in our gardens,” he added.point 133 | point 133 | 1
The JBJ Foundation has also built homes in the city of Philadelphia for the homeless, young people and war veterans. The foundation also donates to the construction of a center that helps teenage moms and their babies. They donate money to a shelter to provide beds and medical care to the homeless.
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