Judge Richard Berman, the judge who is dealing with the case of Jeffrey Epstein denied him bale stating that the evidences against him are strong enough to keep him in.
Helping Judge Richard Berman who was assigned the case, looking at his wealth the judge found out some filthy acts like threatening the victim and their families, paying the complaints off, and testimony of two women who have been the victim of his acts.
Considering all the pieces of evidence, Judge Richard decided that it is better to keep the pedophile locked in the Metropolitan Correctional Center because he is not safe for society.
He stated that the court began with the concept of dangerousness because that is what Epstein has become to society.
He said that the court has enough evidence on the behalf of which the government has concluded that Mr. Epstein is not safe to be around the members of the community as he has had a history of emotionally and physically exploiting other people.
A major impact on the decision came out of the testimony presented by two victims who were 14 and 16.
The judge wrote “Victims of the case has specifically said that it will be unfair and of uttermost risk for them to let Epstein out on bail, even if he is put into home detention with private guards keeping a check on him 24*7.
The victims who came to give their testimony although are grown up adults now but they present their past where Epstein had exploited them when they were minors of 14 and 16 years of age.”
The judge went on to say that if he is left out on a bail or put in house detention, there is a high probability that he will perform the same acts of filth again, assaulting the well being of another fellow member of the community.
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