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Judge Judy Allowed The Dog To Choose His Real Owner In Courtroom And Passed The Ruling

Judge Judy Allowed The Dog To Choose His Real Owner In Courtroom And Passed The Ruling


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Have you ever heard of people filing a case for a pet? A situation in which both the parties claim it to of theirs. The dog was named as a baby boy. In this case, there is a white poodle and the defendant says that the dog belongs to her while the plaintiff has something else to say.


The defendant who is a lady according to her she purchased the dog in exchange for payment. According to her, she bought the dog from the side of a street and thus the dog belongs to her. But as always we have two parties in the case and the decision cannot be ruled out without hearing to the other side.

Source: Paramount Domestic Television

The plaintiff has something else to say, according to him the poodle belongs to him in real and the lady is lying. Now it was really hard for Judge Judy to give a decision to which the poodle belongs to. In this situation, the dog cannot speak so he is unable to tell about his real owner.

Source: Paramount Domestic Television

Now in a situation where the plaintiff is saying that the defendant is lying. The defendant says that the age of poodle which the plaintiff is telling is totally wrong because she has confirmed it from a vet and the age of this white poodle is completely different from what the plaintiff is saying.

Source: Paramount Domestic Television

Finally, Judge Judy calls the poodle into the courtroom. She made a historic decision which you will be surprised to know. She asked the lady to put the dog down. Judge Judy decided that the real owner can only be chosen by the poodle itself.

point 0 |
Source: Paramount Domestic Television

She asked the lady as “Madame, listen to me carefully, put the dog down”.point 198 | This was it, the poodle ran towards the plaintiff.point 240 |


The dog chose his owner himself by going towards the plaintiff.point 53 | But the defendant had only one thing to justify her side.point 100 | She said that it is the nature of this poodle he does the same thing with other people too.point 173 | 1

Source: Paramount Domestic Television

But Judge Judy ruled that the dog has chosen his owner. This video has recently come to surface however it was aired in 2012.