Categories: FoodHealthlife

A Strict Junk Food Diet May Potentially Be A Major Threat To Eyesight And Hearing Ability

Unhealthy eating habits and dependence on junk food diet have resulted in severe health issues around the globe.


Studies and researches have proven that junk food is a major cause of obesity, malnutrition, liver damage, heart strokes, etc.

The magnitude of junk food diet and unhealthy eating practices has been taking a toll over the human lifestyle for decades.


Recently a case was recorded in the UK where a teenager went deaf and blind due to his cravings for sugar-coated and oil wrapped food.


As quoted by his mother, the seventeen-year-old stopped taking his proper meal and turned towards junk food when he was seven. Reportedly, this teenager is the first person in the UK to lose his complete eyesight and hearing ability.

The anonymous family of the teenager residing in Bristol first came to acknowledge their son’s vision and hearing impairment when he was fourteen and had difficulties registering visual and audio information.


During the diagnosis, it was revealed that he suffered from ARFID (Avoidant-Restrictive Food Intake Disorder). It is reported that the lack of proper nutrition damaged his optic nerve that resulted in NON (Nutritional Optic Neuropathy).


The teenager’s mother further quoted that being both deaf and blind at a young age destroyed her son’s social and professional life.


The boy’s family was devastated when they got to know that this damage is irreversible and their son won’t be able to hear or see ever.

According to the medical reports and diagnosis conducted by the UK ophthalmologists, the boy started losing his eyesight at a fast-paced rate.


The teenager had to drop out of college because he was completely unable to hear or see anything.


His mother has further added in remorse that she has to leave her job in order to look after his son all day long.


Throwing light on his problems his mother quoted that his son was inclined towards junk food diet since the age of seven that majorly included Pringles, sausages, chips, processed ham, etc.

Generally, junk food intake is directly linked to obesity, but the family remained negligent to that scenario as their son was skinny as compared to his love for junk food.


Irrespective of his condition, the teenager still faces issues leaving the carb-filled diet. His mother added that he has been taking vitamin supplements and attending counseling sessions to develop a healthy diet.


The family has come forward to register their case anonymously in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine in order to aware a maximum number of people about the severity of ARFID.


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