Categories: life

Kidnapper Tries To Drag Boy Into His Car But The 12-Year-Old Teaches Him A Lesson

Protecting children from harm is every responsible parent’s top priority.


For that reason, many parents decide to teach their kids how to show their teeth and react in case predators attempt to lure them or take them away.



As 12-year-old Duncan was taught by his parents, a child should always stay away from strangers. One day, the training came in handy as a creepy man drove by him and tried to kidnap him while he was on his way home from his cousin’s house.

The fierce 12-year-old, however, had a few tricks up his sleeve and wouldn’t let the kidnapper get him or take off without teaching him a lesson.



According to FOX13, the kidnapper approached Duncan and asked him: “Hey kid, do you want some candy?”


Of course, Duncan immediately grew anxious and replied to the stranger, who was observing him from inside his car, with a firm “NO.”



Unfortunately, this wasn’t enough to stop the predator. He stepped out of his vehicle and walked towards the boy.

Then, the kidnapper grabbed Duncan by his shirt and started dragging him towards the car. That’s when the 12-year-old retaliated by applying a trick that his father had taught him.



Duncan pulled out a key ring and held it between his knuckles. As the kidnapper looked away, the boy punched him with all of his force, causing the perpetrator to panic and let go of him.


Duncan took this opportunity to run away and hide in a nearby park. He waited there for half an hour until he felt safe enough to run home and tell his parents about what had happened.



“There’s 1,000 different scenarios that could have gone differently,” the brave boy’s father, Jerry, told KSTU.

“One little thing could have gone wrong and be a different story. We don’t even want to think about.”

Please SHARE this post with your friends and family to remind them to stay vigilant and teach their children how to stay safe!



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