Categories: Animals/PetsDaily top 10life

Kids’ Adorable Reactions To Meet Puppies For The Very First Time—So Sweet Moments!

Every dog lover will relate to this video as it shows the priceless reaction of kids meeting puppies for the first time.


To watch all the adorable clips of kids meeting their new pet for the first time, check out the video below.

Video Credit: Funniest Family Moments

The video starts with a girl coming back from school is surprised to see a cute puppy waiting for her in the yard. She screams ‘’Oh! My God’’ and run to hold her new pup.

Funniest Family Moments

In the second clip, a girl finds a puppy inside a basket, takes the puppy out and holds it in her arms saying, ‘’He is so cute.’’ Then she hugs her mom.

Funniest Family Moments

In the third clip, a boy holding his pet and crying. His mom asks ‘’why are you crying, baby?


He replies: Because “I love him so much that I wanna cry!”

Funniest Family Moments

It is so adorable to see how these kids react to see puppies.


“Recommended Video – These Kids Will Remind You Of Your Childhood While Toying With Their Pets”