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King Cobra Spit Out Nine Chicken Eggs After It Was Caught By A Snake Charmer

gagd.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - King Cobra Spit Out Nine Chicken Eggs After It Was Caught By A Snake Charmer

Snakes are the most ferocious killers.


They are the silent killers waiting for their prey to come to them. What makes them the most dangerous predators is that they don’t chew or tear their prey apart but suffocates them and sallow them wholly.

Now the best part, they can spit out their food as it is when they feel threatened or need to move fast. Yeah, it is disgusting but it is what makes them unique of all the reptiles.


One of these disgusting moments were caught on camera when an enormous King Cobra was forced to regurgitate chicken eggs after raiding a chicken coop and gorging so many that it wasn’t able to swallow them all.

In the video, the reptile is seen throwing up nine chicken eggs one after one after it was rescued by a snake charmer in a village in Chandrapur, India.


You can see the lumps of eggs on its scale as it lies on the ground. It was disgusting and nerve-wrecking at the same time. Let me remind you that snakes are capable of killing an adult with its venom and if the snake we are talking about is of the python species, some of them can swallow us in whole.


It was uneasy for the snake but it took its time and slowly spat out all the nine eggs it swallowed. The King Cobra is believed to have slithered into a henhouse and killed a hen before swallowing the eggs.

The serpent was then released far into the jungle where it is believed to experience no human encounter.


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