Categories: Entertainmentlife

This Guy Is Entertaining His Neighbors With One Dad Joke A Day

There is no pandemic in the world that can stop dad jokes from surfacing around.


However, with the entire world inside their homes, cracking one-liners can be nearly impossible.

However, one man in LA has found a creative way to be public amidst the lockdown and cheer people up.


Ever since the lockdown began, he has been putting posters displaying selected dad jokes on his front lawn. The guy has been coming up with new jokes every day to keep his neighbors entertained.


It is his way of making sure that his community members have something to look forward to every day. Even if it is as silly as dad jokes, right now they could use this.


One of the users shared his posters online and said that this is exactly how they used to tweet in the eighties, and the boy is doing a damn good job.


For many people who were expecting to be out for the Easter holidays, their plans have to wait.

Previously, President Donald Trump was planning to reverse the extreme social distancing measures, giving false hope to people that the issue is not that serious. He was pretty certain that there is no need to extend the lockdown, and said that the country would be celebrating Easter as usual.


However, last Sunday, Mr. Trump seemed to have changed his mind. In his statement, he said that it is important that Americans stay inside, avoid going out to work, gather in a large group, or travel till the end of April.


America’s leading infectious disease experts, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci said that he and Dr. Birx have been analyzing the data and they think social distancing is the best option right now and President Trump has also accepted it.


While people are not certain how long this lockdown will continue, there are people like this LA neighbor who are making genuine efforts to keep their society entertained in a safe manner.


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