So it’s obviously ‘Party in the USA’ for some people this summer, despite the fact that such huge gatherings are the very epicenters in which a virus as contagious as COVID-19 loves to lurk about and steal all the fun and health out of you.
The Los Angeles City officials have had enough of this, as they have declared a virtual war on parties during quarantine. If you want to have those big parties, or any other ‘egregiously large gatherings’ in your home within LA precincts, water and power will be cut off. Yes, this is the ultimatum given by the Mayor of LA on Wednesday. The order targets repeat offenders who have hosted large gatherings several times during the pandemic, according to him.
Over 530,000 people in California have been diagnosed with coronavirus, and over 9,800 is dead. In those numbers, a staggering 40% of the victims derive from the LA County.

“This enforcement is not focused on small and ordinary gatherings in people’s homes.point 192 | These are focused on the people determined to break the rules, posing significant public dangers and a threat to all of us,” Garcetti said during a news conference.point 335 |
Garcetti called the parties “super-spreader events,” attended and enjoyed by “super-spreader people.point 107 | ”point 114 | 1
Gov. Gavin Newsom said in late July that coronavirus was on track to become the second-leading cause of death in Los Angeles County, after heart disease. The awareness or the weight of the situation hasn’t been shared with the community, hence the need for more strict actions by the administrators.

On Monday, a mansion party at the luscious neighborhood of Mulholland Drive, LA turned deadly with a gunman set loose, killing one person and injuring four more.point 241 |
Los Angeles news helicopters filmed attendees without their masks, and evidently enough, many were not social distancing.point 105 | This is only the tip of the iceberg, as only this week 100 Los Angeles first responders attended a party where masks and social distancing were not enforced.point 235 |
One of the event, flabbergasting to say, was to celebrate the first responders’ profession in this time of hardship.point 104 | 1
Dr. Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House coronavirus task force, said this week that California remains in the “red zone,” with at least 10% of coronavirus tests coming back positive. The virus continues to creep up the state’s Central Valley, which includes Sacramento and Fresno.
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