Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

How Fast Can You Answer This Tricky Laptop Cord Riddle?

Some riddles never manage to get old and this just might be one of them.


Without a doubt, technology rules the world and that’s probably one of the biggest reasons why it’s being termed as God’s blessing to mankind. I mean, if you actually come to think of it, life without computers, laptop devices, and so on and so worth is truly unimaginable.

Source: Freepik

Yes, previous generations did things well and survived it all, but as days go by, the world of technology has revolutionized our world in more ways than one. And clearly, it’s something that 9 out of 10 viewers would probably agree.


Whether it’s cost-effectiveness, increased efficiency, or simply time-saving at its best- the world has plenty of reasons to celebrate.

Source: Asian Efficiency

In the same way, keeping in mind the pandemic, how could work from home ever be possible without a laptop? Yes, laptops are truly a genius invention that has given rise to countless golden opportunities. And as we speak, we’re creating this fascinating puzzle for you, using that very invention!


So, enough with the praise. Let’s talk more about a riddle that has the internet at its feet! Yes, it’s a tricky challenge that’s stumping so many and that’s why we’re putting our viewers through the test too. Are you ready to give it a try?


Scroll down below and try your luck!

The Challenge

Source: Briddles.com

The Correct Answer

Congratulations! You’ve finally come to the end of the challenge! Are you ready for the final reveal? If yes, scroll down below, and don’t forget to let us know how you did too!

Source: Rethink

The correct answer is 8! In case you’re wondering why, well look at our explanation below:

  1. The extension cord wire for number 1 is broken
  2. Number six doesn’t even have a wire
  3. The socket in cord 2 is broken
  4. Extension cord 4 has only one socket and that’s of no use