Categories: life

Woman Converted A Large Tree Stump Into A Library For Neighbors

A woman has gone viral after creating a lovely library for the entire neighborhood inside a tree stump of a 110-year-old tree.


Sharalee Armitage Howard from Idaho is not only a passionate artist and librarian but a woman of great determination who came up with the idea to make something useful out of a tree stump of a centenarian cottonwood tree rather than getting rid of it completely.

Sharalee Armitage Howard – Bored Panda

And so, Sharalee has decided that instead of cutting down the tree and removing its stump they could convert the latter into a mini library for the entire neighborhood.

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Sharalee Armitage Howard – Bored Panda

“Someone willing to take the time to give new life to a stump would never cut down a healthy tree to do it.point 226 |


It was dropping huge branches for years onto the sidewalk and street (even without windy weather).point 83 | We were really worried about someone getting hurt.point 126 | One finally hit our son’s car,” the woman explained in an interview with Bored Panda.point 201 | 1

Sharalee Armitage Howard – Bored Panda

“The average lifespan of a cottonwood tree is merely 40-50 years… so it got to live more than twice that already!”


After cutting down the majority of the tree, Sharalee carved out the stump and covered it with a roof. She has also installed the lights, shelves, and a door that allows people in the neighborhood to access the mini library.

Sharalee Armitage Howard – Bored Panda

There, neighbors can exchange books for free to encourage reading.


Soon after the pictures of the librarian’s project went viral, people praised her idea and applauded her for her hard work.

Sharalee Armitage Howard – Bored Panda

“Most people would just get rid of the tree without a second doubt but this lady was ready to make something of it since the start…” someone wrote.


“This is such a cool idea I wish we had one of these in our community!” another one said.

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