Categories: life

Harsh New Laws To Be In Place for Convicts of Pedophilia In Australia

With the increasing rate of child abduction cases every year in Australia, the government is becoming more and more vigilant towards this grave concern.


In response to a staggering number of crimes registered against pedophiles, Australian government is all set to issue new laws which would make the punishments even stronger for pedophiles.


According to the reports, the government is planning to present the new legislation to parliament next week.


Though there is no specific information regarding the nitty gitties of the laws, sources have confirmed that new law will make the bail or parole procedures even more complicated for pedophiles.

Furthermore, the number of charges and duration of sentence would be significantly increased leaving no scope for the cruel pedophiles to escape from the law anyhow.


The major aim of the Australian government behind making the law strict for pedophiles is to decrease the number of cases witnessed in the country.

According to studies conducted by Australian government, one in four offenders is set lose or live without any punishment for their heinous crime.


The current average sentence duration for pedophiles is just eighteen months which doesn’t even do justice to the trauma caused to the victims and their families.


As saddening and disappointing as it may sound, Attorney-General Christian Porter expressed in a statement given to press that one-third of all pedophiles sentenced last year didn’t even spend a day at jail.


Attorney General further added as consolation toward the young victims and their families that justice will be done to everyone and the cruel sex offenders will be punished even more brutally than their crime.

He has also confirmed that the government officials have also planned to give lifetime sentence for the worst offenders.


According to the reports, the new law against the pedophiles’ sentence will restrict judges and juries to take offender’s previous character into account while giving the punishment.


Australian Home Affairs Minister, Peter Dutton said that he hopes to put the law into action as soon as possible leaving no stones unturned. He told the press officials that it is high time that the government start addressing the issue and lock up the people who are a threat to the world.


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