Categories: Animals/PetsDaily top 10life

Lazy Dog Refused To Get Up For Robot Vacuum


Compared to their forebears, today’s dogs seem to have fallen far from their original roots of helping humans hunt and guard their homesteads.


But this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. For one, there are still hunting dogs out there, at least in the more remote parts of the world. And guard dogs exist in many shapes and forms.

Watch this dog refuse to get up from its comfortable spot.


[rumble video_id=v5v6qp domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

In fact, the utilitarian aspect of dogs has even expanded because there are K9 dogs who protect people through their skills in bomb/drug detection and their crime-fighting prowess. Support dogs have seen a surge in popularity as a stressed-out society seeks a way to ease the mental strain of a modern world.

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But there’s also the other side of dogs, the fun, loving, adorable and, their fiercely loyal devotion to their owners.point 211 |


This is why dogs are often called family members on four legs.point 51 | Fun-loving they may be, but they’d give up their lives in a second to save their owners.point 129 | There have been enough stories about that, such as one dog sacrificing its life fighting a cobra that threatened a family.point 231 | 1


Of course, the increased level of domestication has also left dogs imprinted with increasingly human traits such as the need to be pampered and spoiled. It’s a hilarious juxtaposition that can leave one in fits of laughter just watching the antics of these adorable creatures.


One such dog is named Corsa. Apparently, Corsa has found a comfortable spot on the rug and is quite sleepy.

However, a robot vacuum cleaner is at work nearby and it inevitably comes to the spot where Corsa is lying down. Of course, Corsa doesn’t want to move because who likes moving from a spot just when they’re getting comfortable?


So the dog shows the robot vacuum who’s the boss and refuses to budge. Of course, the robot is specifically designed to avoid obstacles so it just whirs by and even bumps Corsa’s body several times in the performance of its duties.


But the dog doesn’t mind and this is remarkable in itself. Normally, because of their sensitive hearing dogs don’t like loud noises. While the sound the robot is making is not really that loud, it’s unusual enough that it can easily set most dogs on edge. Dogs also don’t like unidentified items moving around on their own so it’s a wonder that Corsa didn’t react at all. He must have been really sleepy!


