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Why Some People Are Left-Handed And The Advantages Of Being One

We don’t meet lefties very often, approximately only 10% of the world population is left-handed.


We bet you don’t know much about lefties people, this quality comes with some surprising facts! But the main question is why it happens.

We share with you the unexpected reasons for this “anomaly” and what advantages it gives the people who are lefties.


Why do some people become left-handed?

Baby’s birth position can affect which hand they use.


Experts say that the position of the baby in the final trimester and their birth position can affect which hand will be dominant. According to studies, asymmetric position, when the head is turned toward one side most of the time, creates asymmetric stimulation of the vestibular system that leads to reducing right-handedness.


Also, ultrasounds can affect the brains of unborn children, according to the theory of experts. Getting them causes higher possibilities of left-handedness in children later on.


But studies have also found that mothers who took synthetic estrogen-based medication have given birth to left-handed babies than others. This medication was used between 1940 and 1971. Researchers concluded that estrogen affects the developing brain, including left dominance.


Being a leftie also has some advantages. Let’s check some out!


First, it has been said that left-handed people are better drivers.


Yes, that’s true. There was a study that confirmed that lefties were less likely to cause accidents than right-handed drivers. It is also found that left-handed people may learn to drive more quickly and successfully.


According to a survey, 62 subjects were asked to watch a series of 55 words on a computer screen and then to write them down. And, surprisingly left-handedness in their families outscored the others with this task, meaning they might have better memory!


It is also revealed that left-handed men and women may be good at sports like baseball, cricket, table tennis, and other games where players have to react quickly. The ability to take control with the other hand makes it possible to become a better player.


So there you have it!


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