Categories: Healthlife

Teenager Undergoes Life-Changing Corrective Surgery After Suffering Years of Torment From Bullies

Jodie Bowers, the teenage girl who experienced bullying from her classmates, from people online for having a severe overbite, has reformed herself, after six long years of waiting.


Today, at 19, she says she is loving life after the much-awaited corrective surgery.

Triangle News

Jodie, who hails from North Yorkshire, had a deformed jawline. When she was 13, she went to the hospital asking for a solution. When the doctors examined her, it was found that her bottom jaw was around 11mm back than her top jaw.

Triangle News

A surgery was promised, however, Jodie had to stop growing first. The doctors told her that they would perform the corrective surgery once she is 18 or above. Thus, Jodie had to wait for six long years before she was given the green signal.


In the meantime, the agonizing wait wasn’t the only torment she suffered. Jodie was assaulted with abusive messages, bullied in public, and was once attacked on a night out, just because of her appearance.

Triangle News

Her suffering reached to the extent that she was forced to call the police on three occasions. Moreover, she started taking anti-depressants to cope with all the abuse and bullying she experienced.


Now after the surgery, 19-year-old Jodie says it has transformed her confidence.

Jodie says she was literally counting days until her surgery. She says she’s now enjoying life. She is going out more, and she is happy to speak for herself, life is getting much better now, she added.

Triangle News

She said that she would take photos of her side, which she would never have done before, thanks to the surgery.


She took her treatment from James Cook Hospital in Middlesbrough where the surgeons split her rear jaw separately in order to move each fragment into a new position.

Triangle News

However, when the surgery was completed, for the first few weeks, Jodie couldn’t see the results due to bruising and swelling, but the doctors reassured that once the swelling is cured, she will see a transformed Jodie.


When she saw herself in the mirror, she burst into tears. It was the happiest moment of her life.

And most importantly, she can now enjoy her Christmas dinner without chopping down it into small pieces, like she previously used to.

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