Priyanka Chopra led the tributes to Irrfan Khan, the Life Of Pi star, who has died at 53 years following his battle with colon cancer.
Priyanka had starred with Irrfan in a Bollywood movie 7 Khoon Maaf and the 37-year-old actress wrote that the charisma Irrfan brought to everything he did was pure magic.
She added that his talent forged the path for so many as he had inspired so many people, and acknowledged that he would be missed. She also paid condolences to his family.
Freida Pinto also shared an emotional message remembering her Slumdog Millionaire co-star. She praised the late thespian for the dignity, grace, and monumental talent he had as an artist.
Freida shared an image with her Slumdog Millionaire co-stars at an award ceremony and wrote that the news had hit her hard leaving a void in her that could never be filled as there was no person like Irrfan Khan.
Irrfan Khan was rushed to a hospital in Mumbai on Tuesday for treatment after suffering kidney infection but died a day later. Irrfan had been fighting with the disease since 2018.
The international actor is survived by his sons Ayan and Babil Khan and his wife Sutapa Sikdar.
Irrfan Khan’s spokesperson noted that in his final moments, Irrfan was surrounded by his family and love who he cared about the most.
They noted that some of the several words the actor had expressed in a touching note he penned down in 2018 opening up regarding his battle with cancer were he trusts, he has surrendered.
They also talked about Irrfan’s memorable actions, deep eyes, and silent expressions on screen. He then added that it was deeply saddening to announce that the actor is no more.
After being shocked beyond words to receive the news of rare cancer in 2018, Irrfan had taken life as it came and bravely fought the battles that arrived with it.
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