Categories: life

Teenager Hospitalized And Told She Could Have Lost Her Eyesight After Getting Her Eyebrows Tinted

A teenage girl was left hospitalized after getting her eyebrows done and suffering an allergic reaction.


As mother-of-five Rhia Vikki West revealed, she had to rush her daughter, Cheyanne, to the hospital on Christmas Eve after the young girl had her eyebrows tinted at a local salon that failed to seek her parents’ permission for the procedure.


Though Cheyanne was eventually discharged and given pain medication and steroids to help counter the allergic reaction, she was admitted to the ER the following morning after her entire face and throat swelled up.

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14-year-old Cheyanne has since revealed she wanted a new look in time for the long-anticipated Christmas party she was going to.


“It was absolutely horrible. I got my eyelashes and eyebrows tinted and I was really excited because I was going to a party and it was Christmas,” the teen recalled.

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“I woke up and my whole face was swollen and I couldn’t see anything, I was so scared and upset. The doctors told me I could have lost my eyesight and that I could have died. It’s been a horrible experience. I was screaming in pain.”


As Rhia and her daughter were told after the ordeal, the 14-year-old was lucky to survive the aftermath of the allergic reaction whereas she could have lost her eyesight or even died.

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“The doctors told me I could have lost my eyesight and that I could have died. It’s been a horrible experience. I was screaming in pain,” Cheyanne added.


“I’m starting to feel alright now but my eyebrows are still in a lot of pain and keep falling off and my eyes keep weeping yellow. I have loads of blister that keep popping too.”

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Following the incident that “ruined” the family’s holidays, Rhia insisted the salon didn’t obtain her permission before the procedure.


“The shop owner tried to phone me for permission but I didn’t answer, so she phoned Cheyanne’s nan instead and then went ahead and did the treatment,” the mother explained.

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“I told them she’d had a reaction – this was before it got really bad – and they offered us a refund and a free treatment and the shop owner has been contacting us non-stop.”


She concluded: “I want to warn other parents. Always get a patch test but more importantly, remind your children they are already beautiful and don’t need treatments like this.

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“The heartbreaking thing is that I could have lost my daughter, just for having an eyebrow and eyelash tint.”


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