Thousands of lions in South Africa are being farmed and held in captivity to be hunted and shot by tourists according to businessman and conservationist Lord Ashcroft.
According to Ashcroft, who is well-known for his contributions to wildlife preservation, the misuse of lions has become an industry in South Africa.

As the businessman claimed in his new book titled ‘Unfair Game: An Exposé Of South Africa’s Captive-Bred Lion Industry,’ just some 3,000 lions exist in the wilderness in the country whereas some 12,000 are believed to be bred in captivity.

As the conservationist has found out during his two-year commissioned undercover mission, many of the animals bred and raised in captivity are being used for hunting purposes whereas some people pay to hunt them for trophies.

According to the book, an adult male lion with a good mane can reel in up to $50,000 to its ‘owners’ whereas the animals’ carcasses are worth thousands due to their value in the Far East where home remedies suggest lion bones act as an aphrodisiac.
As Lord Ashcroft added, lions bred in captivity are often kept in unhygienic conditions with little space to move around and little food to thrive on.
Unfortunately, however, the current legislation in the country allows lion breeders to operate as they wish without much restrictions.
“Lion farming shames South Africa, a country that I have loved visiting for many years,” Lord Ashcroft said in a press release following his newest publication.
“It’s time to recognize that it is a cruel and barbaric industry which has no place in the 21st century.”
As the businessman promised, all royalties from the sales of the book will be dedicated to wildlife charities in South Africa.
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