Categories: life

Liquid Water Clouds Discovered in Atmosphere of Planet Beyond Our Solar System

Scientists have discovered a far away planet beyond our solar system that is said to be the most habitable beyond Earth after they detected water vapors in its atmosphere.


Two new studies have found that an exoplanet named K2-18 b, which is 110 light-years from Earth, has water vapor in its atmosphere.

The exoplanet, which orbits a red dwarf star may even possibly have liquid water clouds, states the report.


According to the reports, this is the least massive planet ever to have water vapor discovered in its atmosphere.


Previously, astronomers have detected gas planets that have water vapors in their atmosphere. The new study also suggests that the exoplanet hosts clouds that rain liquid water.


As per the research conducted by the Angelos Tsiaras of University College London’s Centre for Space Exochemistry Data (CSED), the planet K2-18 b, at present, is the only planet to boast the temperature perfect for Earth-like life.


And it is possibly the only planet outside the solar system that has water in its atmosphere.

Researchers say that K2-18 b, of all planets we know right now, is the only planet that fulfills more habitability requirements.


Professor Björn Beneke, the lead author of the study at the Institute for Research on Exoplanets at the Université de Montréal, said that the detection of water vapors on K2-18 b’s atmosphere was clearly evident early on.


Since it has been found that this exoplanet has hydrogen and liquid water in its atmosphere, there is a possibility that K2-18 b is habitable.


However, Beneke states that, while K2-18 b has liquid water clouds when it rains, the waterfalls through a thick layer of gas before hitting the surface.


This means the water becomes gas before it reaches the surface. He said that landing on this planet would be impossible as the high pressure and dense gas in the atmosphere would easily crush a spacecraft.

The researchers are carrying on with their study to find more about this exoplanet.


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