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Adorable Puppy Knows How To Pray Before Eating His Meal

p1 side.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Adorable Puppy Knows How To Pray Before Eating His Meal

If you were raised in a religious household, then you know that saying grace before meals is an important ritual that everyone must follow.


That being said, the sound of an overenthusiastic kid’s hands being slapped away from the food if grace hadn’t been said yet is probably just as common. And so would be the mother’s reproving glare at such presumptuousness.

But as people grow up, sometimes habits also change and if you live a fast-paced lifestyle sometimes saying a prayer before a meal can seem such an antiquated action especially if your stomach is already growling just after coming home from work.

Screenshot via YouTube

However, one man filmed his 11-week-old puppy Kahlua saying a prayer before his meal. And the sight would put all people who have let this ritual fall by the wayside to shame.

Screenshot via YouTube

The video starts with the puppy wagging his tail as he knows what’s up. His owner is holding a jar that contains his dog food so he knows it’s almost mealtime.


However, displaying remarkable self-control, Kahlua doesn’t immediately jump on the food after the dog food is poured. He first waits for his owner to say grace!


The owner starts with the words, “Let’s pray.” And he immediately bows down in a prayer position. Kahlua obediently adopts the same prayer position.

“Lord we ask that you bless this food and nourish it to our bodies,” his owner continues. “We are very grateful and appreciative of everything we have. Thank you, Lord, for everything. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.”


At the sound of the “amen” Kahlua knows the prayer is finished and he immediately starts to wolf down his food with gusto.

Screenshot via YouTube

It’s such an adorable trait and hopefully, Kahlua doesn’t outgrow it.