Categories: Animals/Petslife

People Infuriated By Chinese Company for Using Live Pigs As Crash Test Dummies

There are seven young pigs who were killed in the high-speed simulations that are carried out in China.


This is the study that is done where there are seven pigs being used. The animals are prone to gruesome injuries and have a lot of internal bleeding and bruising.

There are many companies that have stopped to use animals to carry out simulation tests in the United States since the 1990s, especially General Motors.


The animal rights activist has reacted strongly for carrying out the researchers on the innocent animals and killing them brutally.


The crash test dummies are carried out on the live pigs. There were around 15 pigs that were trapped by using high-speed simulations. Out of the 15 pigs, 7 were killed.

The animals which are used for testing are not giving any food and water for a few hours before carrying out the tests and the animals have suffered a lot of injuries and bleeding.


Earlier, pigs and other animals were used to carry out crash tests in the US. However, this kind of activity has come to an end in the 1990s.


When carrying out the crash test, the young pig would be sitting in the driver seat and the researchers have used the animals which would mimic the 6-year-old kids in the 30mph smashes.


Zachary Toliver, who is a part of the animal rights group PETA, has called this type of action to be gruesome and unjustifiable practice.


Though there are many animal-free models available, but still many experimenters are using animals and abusing them badly by making them sit in the car seats and crashing their bodies to the walls.

As a result of this, the animals are badly injured. The live pigs are badly injured in these types of tests. The bones of those animals are broken and few are killed on spot.


Basically, pigs will not sit in the car seat, as their anatomy is totally different from humans’ anatomy. The data that is acquired from the tests done on these animals is inappropriate.


Once the experiment is done, then the experts will do detailed necropsies to find out how the animals sitting in the car seat are injured.

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