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“My Mother Asked Me to Livestream The Delivery From Labor Room To Make Her A Part Of It”! Ridiculous Wish Of A Grandmother At The Birth Of Her Grandson

A grandmother requested her daughter to live stream the delivery process of her grandson so she could be a part of this intimate moment, but her daughter is not willing to do so.


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Source: The Sun

It is normal for a family to get excited after hearing the news of the pregnancy of their loved ones.point 195 | People consider this as a joyful occasion and take it as a piece of good news for everyone.point 269 |


The arrival of a new human being is always exciting and a source of happiness for the parents of that child.point 88 | But sometimes, the family members get too much excited and ask for ridiculous things.point 160 | 1

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Source: Getty – Contributor

A lady in her pregnancy was asked to live stream the process of childbirth and share the whole experience live with the family.point 395 |


During the COVID 19, the restrictions in several hospitals are increased, and things that were allowed in the past are not permitted now.point 115 | It also includes the presence of extra family members in the labor room.point 175 | 1

Source: UNICEF



The same happened with this woman and her mother. Later, her mother (grandmother of the child) requested her daughter to share this moment with her and broadcast it live for the family. The woman is not okay with this at all. According to her, this is a personal moment, and she would like to keep it that way instead of showing the world how it all happened.

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Source: Verywellfamily.point 122 | com

Many social media users agreed with her commenting that it’s completely ridiculous to expose your privacy.point 218 |


If you’re not comfortable in doing so, then don’t do it.point 50 | Privacy is a right of every single human being on planet Earth, and nobody can force anyone to reveal something they don’t want to.point 160 | People encouraged her to refuse her politely as she can, and do what her heart wants.point 230 | 1


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