Categories: life

Lonesome Widow Has En-Deering Love

Hey, all animal lovers out there! Get ready to get a bit emotional with this heart-melting video where Mette Kvam, an octogenarian widow is seen feeding a deer at her desolate mountainside home in Aurland in Norway, and she does this twice a day for the past four years that has led to the growth of strong emotional bonding between the two.


Watch the video here:
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The entire of video was filmed by an aged 52-year-old Britt Haugsevje Vangen, who also came to know that the cheeky deer has been named as Flippen by the old widow herself.


Britt, who is actually a library assistant, told the reporters that, the old octogenarian lady was feeding Flippen with a piece of bread and they appeared to be each others’ besties at times.


This innocent monster enjoys Kvam’s company to a great extent and at times slumbers nearby her house as well. And ever since Mette’s husband passed away, she has practically no one in the form of her sole companion.


Hence, she found Flippen at last and considers him to be her sole companion as compared to others. And this entire video is certainly going to drive each and every animal lover a bit emotional out there.


And from the time Flippen has come to Mette’s life she considers herself to be immensely lucky for being in the utter companion of this lovely creature.


However, Mette has made special permission granted by the Norway government that no hunters should shoot him in any way in case they wish to do so in order retain their deep emotional connection for years to come.


And once you will come across this heart touching video, you will understand the true meaning of friendship that doesn’t limit itself to the boundary of birds, animals or human beings. It can happen between anybody, even between a deer and someone like Mette Kvam.


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