Noelle Dawson, 38, used to weight 414 lbs.
That prompted her to undergo an incredible weight journey that resulted in her losing 234 lbs. in just 14 months. However, the mother from Nashville, Tennessee, was left with a lot of excess skin that initially caused her to become insecure.
She underwent what she describes as “life-changing” surgery in order to remove all that excess skin and she’s glad she did so.
Watch to to find out more of her amazing journey below.
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Video credit: Rumble
Noelle said: “Before I started my journey, I remember waking up every morning thinking when’s that day I’m not going to wake up due to how heavy I was?
“I weighed in at 414lbs and if I didn’t make a change there was going to be no more Noelle.
“I struggled to put my shoes on, taking my kids anywhere. Six months every day waking up thinking you’re lucky to be alive.
“I was so lost though, I have to lose over 200lbs, how can I possibly do this?”

She says that her difficulties with food started in childhood when as a young gymnast she was put on a very strict diet and was punished if she was caught snacking on junk food.
In order to lose weight, Noelle started by educating herself on nutrition and taking on a low-carb, high-protein diet.
She said: “Once I got to 200lb weight loss I realized it was time to start working out.
“I had all of this energy, becoming that active after years of sitting on the couch was incredible.
“She’s just very determined, she’s always in here,” added Caleb Cole, her personal trainer.
“Every time I see her, she’s a little bit more determined, she has more of a purpose, she’s on a mission.”
“I went from being very immobile to being mobile and now the sky’s the limit,” said Noelle.
But losing all that fat in such a short time left her with a lot of baggy skin around her stomach. But she added that this shouldn’t discourage people from trying to achieve their fitness goals.
She said: “In the beginning, it caused some insecurities, but I find myself now accepting it, it is now my trophy I have worked hard to have this skin and I am proud of it.
“I would love to not have to deal with it anymore.”
Aside from getting an extended arm lift, they also performed an extended tummy tuck to pull down the loose skin surrounding the abdomen.
Husband Chris Dawson said: “My wife’s transformation, her outward appearance is amazing, you can see the results she’s worked for.
“The biggest thing for me is her mental transformation, it’s like a new light has been turned on it’s even brighter and she shines.”
Noelle added: “Now I’m able to see the true results now the skin has been removed.
“What it feels like now to be able to do all the things I couldn’t do before is an indescribable feeling.
“It continues to inspire me and motivate me to stay on the right track.”