Categories: HealthHealthlife

20-year-old – Who Weighed 17 Stone And Known As ‘The Fat Girl’ – Lost 7 Stone By Dancing Around The House

A 20-year-old woman, from Southend, Essex, once weighed 17st 2lb and was a size 22 but she has now lost 7st and is a size 10.


Trinity Wills, who studies mechanical engineering at the University of Hertfordshire, struggled with her weight since she was a child.

The Sun
The Sun

By the age of ten, she was 10st and was known as ‘the fat girl’. She suffered joint pain in her knees and struggled to run.


She avoided any form of exercise and would eat takeaways for comfort.

Trinity said: “I would eat loads of chocolate, biscuits, and cakes. I remember I’d wake up before anyone else and devour a whole chocolate Swiss roll to myself for breakfast.”


Though she was never bullied for her weight, she felt embarrassed and less deserving of friendships and relationships.

The Sun
The Sun

In June 2016, when Trinity was dressing up for her high school prom, she realized she needed to change her lifestyle and lose weight.


She felt disgusting and out of place on her prom day. She wanted to click pictures with her friends but hated every photo because of her weight.

Trinity said: “That day made me feel so low about myself. I realized I didn’t want to feel like that anymore.”


She was too embarrassed to go to a gym so she bought a fitness DVD called Cize and started choreographing her dance routines.

The Sun
The Sun

Trinity lost 7st and went from 17st 2lb to 10st 5lb by dancing around her house but it was not that easy.


Initially, she would lose her breath while dancing but decided to never give up.

She said she started dancing around the house once or twice a week and felt so good. She then started doing it every day.

Trinity said: “It gave me a different kind of energy — it was like my sugar hit but so much better.”


She also started eating healthy meals and gave up biscuits, cakes, and chocolate. Within months, she started shedding weight.

Her friends started complimenting her and she became a lot happier.

The Sun

Trinity said: “I’m so proud of how far I’ve come and I’m definitely going to keep dancing. I haven’t just lost weight. I’ve learned to love myself.”


She said she feels a lot more confident after losing weight and would recommend people to dance around their houses to lose weight as it’s a lot better and comfortable.



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