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French President Rejects Both Racism and Destroying Statues of Historical Figures

As the wave of combative anti-racism continues to sweep around the globe, French President Emmanuel Macron firmly rejected racism, but also expressed his disapproval of rewriting history via destroying statues of more controversial historical figures.


ⓒ – The Independent

The attacks on former slave owners and colonial figures became issues of controversy in the US and Europe, with protestors attacking the statues of famous figures such as Christopher Columbus and Winston Churchill. With its long history of colonialism and imperialism, France is not immune to these criticisms.


However, President Macron made it clear that he does not support nor will allow historical revisions based on contemporary standards and views. It is noteworthy that he clearly mentioned that he opposed taking down statutes in the first speech he addressed the death of George Floyd.


Protestors in France have in particular asked for the government’s repentance for its colonial acts in the continent of Africa. Macron said that France will not erase anyone from history, nor take down pictures and statues because they are deemed inappropriate now.

ⓒ – New York Post

At the same time, Macron unequivocally rejected and denounced racism in the same speech. He said that the Republic stood against all kinds of discrimination including racism and anti-Semitism which has been on the rise in Europe over the last decade or so.


He admitted that it is the sad yet undeniable truth that some French are facing penalties because of factors that they did not choose. Macron asked that the people continue fighting for utmost justice in their daily lives.

Moreover, he did acknowledge the protestors’ demands by saying that everyone should look back and think about the French involvement in the colonization of Africa.

ⓒ – LUDOVIC MARIN/AFP/Getty Images

It should be noted that Macron did not mention any direct responsibilities or reparations that the French government should be held accountable for.


France is far from the only nation where an active historical revision is taking place in the wake of Floyd’s death and the strongest anti-racists movement in decades. Statues of slave owners and those involved with colonial times have been the target of attack in the US, UK and others.


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