Categories: lifenews

Due To Lockdown, Major Cities All Around The World Now Have A Reduced Level Of Air Pollution

As humans are living in lockdown inside their homes all around the globe, the pollution level has fallen down in all the major cities.


With negligible traffic on the streets as compared to the normal days and the factories on lockdown, the emission of the toxic gases and smoke has reduced.


Delhi, the capital city of India, has significantly experienced a major drop in the Air Quality Index. The city was earlier known as the most polluted city in the entire world.


As per WHO, the AQI above 25 is termed as unsafe and Delhi experiences 200 on any good day.


Dr. Shashi Tharoor, a guy known for his exceptional critical remarks, a politician, and an author in India has said that this could be a wakeup call for the city.


He said that these days, the AQI has dropped down to 30, which is great. On a beautiful and blessed day, after a good rainfall, the AQI had dropped down to 7 which was phenomenal.


This has happened after centuries in the city.


Well, Delhi is not the only city experiencing this blissful time with cleaner air. After almost 35 years, the Himalayan ranges are now visible from many cities in the country.


Last month, China had experienced the same and it was visible from the space. European Space Agency released footage last month showing a massive decrease in the pollution level over China.


As the quarantine measures started and continued for about 11 weeks, and are still being practiced, there was a great change in the pollutions levels.


In many rivers around the world, the pollution in water has decreased too with water becoming relatively very clear. This has even brought back animals and marine life.


Experts have even said marine life can be restored by 2050 if the pollution level remains in control.

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