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Majority of American Women Aged 18 to 54 Would Prefer Living In A Socialist Country

y1 6.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Majority of American Women Aged 18 to 54 Would Prefer Living In A Socialist Country

Socialism has become a popular topic amongst the Americans, especially women, and thanks to Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.


A poll was conducted through which it was found that women who are aged between 18 to 55 years prefer living in a socialism country as compared to a capitalist society. It is believed that men control almost everything in American society.

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The New York republicans Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who are self-described democratic socialists have promised to bring more government benefits.


It is the reason why the system in America is finding ways for a new life for the communities.

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Bernie’s party says that they are aiming for more gentle socialism, which has a central control for money matters and the things that are chosen through democratic elections.


A socialist society means having an environment where you are allowed to earn and spend your own money.


Americans have different perceptions about the constitutes socialism, but according to the poll, 76% of Americans agreed that Universal healthcare, which is a system handled by the government, will qualify their needs.


The universal healthcare covers the cost of almost everything like antibiotics to surgeries.


The universal healthcare is used by the taxpayer dollars, which can also cover tuition-free education according to the 72% and the other 68% think about the living wage, which is enough to have a middle-class lifestyle.


There are many more aspects of the socialism poll, which was created.


A reporter has also claimed that women in America are pushing the political conversations aside to discuss more about socialism in society.


Alexi McCammond has said that they are looking for a volunteer who will support the idea of living in a community which supports socialism.

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