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A Man Pushed His Limits And Decided To Do 200 Push-Ups For 30 Days

p3 7.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - A Man Pushed His Limits And Decided To Do 200 Push-Ups For 30 Days

Arnaud Melis / Caters News

Watch the video of the man who did 200 push ups a day.


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Deciding to take on a fitness challenge sometimes takes as much effort as the challenge itself. After all, you’re committing to drastically re-working your current comfortable lifestyle to undertake exercises that will push your body to its limit and likely result in a lot of aches and pains in the meantime.


Of course, the expected dividends should be enough to get you going but try thinking of that as you’re happily binge-watching your favorite Netflix show.

However, one man decided to take up this challenge himself and committed to doing 200 push-ups for the next 30 days.

Arnaud Melis / Caters News

Arnaud Melis, from Brussels, Belgium, started the challenge on May 10. That first day, he managed the 200 push-ups so now he needed to repeat the process for the following month.


The 25-year-old Melis wanted to find out not only if he could do it but to also see how his physique would transform from such a drastic regimen.

The results are quite obvious as Melis can now boast more chiseled arms and bulked up back and shoulders.


Arnaud said: “I’ve always been someone that loves a challenge and this is no exception.

“I was hoping to see some results but I wasn’t sure how my body was going to react to 6000 push-ups over a period of 30 days.

“My muscles were sore but giving up never crossed my mind as I’m really committed when I put my mind to something.


“I loved the challenge but I had to watch out as I’ve had a shoulder injury last year.”

Working around the shoulder injury, which he suffered in 2018, was a challenge in and of itself. However, he managed to make do with a few minor adjustments. For example, he modified how he positioned his arms and used a chair to keep good form. All of this helped Melis achieve his goal.

Arnaud Melis / Caters News

“The key is to listen to your body, for instance, I kept my arms a bit wider while doing the push-ups as this felt way better to my shoulder.


“I didn’t continue to do the 200 push-ups, instead I want to vary a bit more to train all the muscles in my body, fitness, cardio & self-defense sports are something I like to combine.

“I would recommend everybody to exercise every day, I know it seems a lot but it doesn’t have to be.”


One important note does need to be made. The fact that he was already able to do 200 push-ups on the first day made it obvious that Melis was already at a certain fitness level. If you’re coming from a totally sedentary lifestyle, starting slowly is the way to go and will help prevent most injuries.


As always, consult your doctor if you’re starting a fitness regimen for the very first time and are unsure if you can take it. But in the end, patient determination during exercise will pay dividends in the end.