Categories: Funlife

Man Registered Beer As His Emotional Support Animal To Be Able To Drink In Public Places

A man who often travels has successfully registered beer as his emotional support animal in order to be able to drink in public places without repercussions.


As Brooklyn-based creative director Floyd Hayes revealed according to the Ale Street News, he received a registration code confirming that his ‘pint of beer’ has been successfully registered with the USA Service Dog Registration.

Floyd Hayes

According to the 47-year-old, he now hopes that he’ll be able to avoid being punished for drinking beer on public transport.


As the law dictates, it is a crime to drink alcoholic beverages on public transport unless the person has a written consent.

Floyd Hayes

“I travel from upstate to Brooklyn a lot, and on the bus they say it’s a federal crime to smoke or have an alcoholic beverage unless by prior written contest, and I always wondered where you get that consent,” he said in an interview with the Brooklyn Paper.


As he went on to explain, he described his ‘pet’ as a 16 oz IPA served in a glass. Mr. Hayes also noted that his emotional support ‘animal’ doesn’t require any special training and helps him keep social anxiety under control.

Floyd Hayes

“I don’t mean it in a heady mental health manner. More if you go to a party, and want to break the ice,” the man said.


While Hayes was praised for his “brilliant” idea on the internet, some people have quickly suggested that registering beer with the service won’t keep him out of trouble if he drinks on public transport.


As an anonymous employee of the USA Service Dog Registration told the Brooklyn Paper, people require medical approval before they’re allowed to bring their emotional support animals with them on public transport or in a place of business.


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