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Man Boasted About His Lavish Lifestyle During Dinner Then Had His Card Declined On First Dates

d3 17.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Man Boasted About His Lavish Lifestyle During Dinner Then Had His Card Declined On First Dates

Channel 4

Watch this embarrassing moment in the video below.


Video credit: Daily Mail

Getting your card declined at the grocery or at the restaurant is already embarrassing enough, even if it’s family you’re with. And having it declined while on a date might make you want to lock yourself up in your room for a week. So imagine what it must feel like to have it happen on national TV and after bragging about your posh lifestyle, to boot.


Yet that’s exactly what happened when Calum had dinner with Lucy on Tuesday night’s episode of First Dates.

As their orders were being taken, the flower seller said he would take “whatever” while talking about his time to boarding school. He also recounted how he sold flowers in wealthy areas such as Notting Hill, “chatting up yummy mummies.”


But now he felt like he was ready to find a partner to stay with him in holiday cottages and for going on skiing trips.

Channel 4

While talking to Merlin at the bar, Calum said that he flew in from a salmon fishing trip in Inverness. Then after Lucy arrived, he made sure to mention his parents’ 85-acre farm.


Calum certainly laid on the gravy but that may have been expected given that he wanted to impress Lucy (or to anyone within hearing range, for that matter). But matters quickly went south when it came time to settle the bill as Calum’s card got declined – twice.


The first time it was declined, Calum took to his phone to transfer some money to his account. All the while, Lucy was offering to pay.

But Calum said that he just had his money split across numerous account. Yet the transaction was rejected yet again. Calum was as visibly dismayed as Lucy was amused.


It’s hard to believe that people would allow themselves to suffer this level of public humiliation, much like when people show up on Come Dine With Me with a recipe they’ve “never tried before” then messing it all up. Of course, simply making sure all his finances were in order before appearing on First Dates would have saved Calum a lot of grief.

Channel 4

Social media reactions were quite mixed, with some feeling sympathy for Calum with others just laughing at his predicament.


One person said: “Shot down in flames there wasn’t he… so posh but has no money.”

Another said: “He’s a prat! All mouth and no trousers!!”

A third commented: “Bless him! I felt bad for him and she didn’t help!”


But in the end, it looks like Calum still had the last laugh as Lucy has agreed to see him again. And perhaps on the next date, he’ll make sure his accounts have enough funding, or just bring a second card.


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